
Showing 1-20 of 318 items.

Avoiding Viral Trend: Understanding Viral Fever, Causes & Treatment

Viral fever is one of the most common illnesses in people of all ages, and it often manifests in climate change and a weak immune system. It is defined as a quick change in the body temperature and us[...]
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Sooner the Better: Understanding Relation between Monsoon & Allergies

The monsoon season is enjoyed as people get to avoid the terrible hot summer climate in many parts of the world. We get a breath of fresh air, green vegetation, and freedom from the hot sun, but the p[...]
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Spot the Difference: Understanding Viral & Bacterial Fever

Fever is a signal which shows that at least something is wrong with your body. Sometimes, it is viral, while other times, it is bacterial. It is crucial to differentiate between them because then you [...]
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Differentiation Between Malaria and Dengue: Some Important Points of Distinction, Similarities, and Precautions

Come monsoon time and you have a lot of still water which becomes a breeding ground for mosquitos and then there is a huge influx of both Malaria and Dengue.Now both malaria and dengue represent a sig[...]
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Stay Rain-Ready: Essential Health Tips for Monsoon Wellness

Now that monsoon has arrived, India can finally escape the excessive heat. But it also brings with it a plethora of health risks, such as different infections and disorders. By taking the necessary he[...]
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Shielding Against Malaria: Detection, Treatment & Prevention

Throughout India, Malaria remains a major public health concern. Malaria is a fatal illness contracted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. India is a breeding ground for Malaria becaus[...]
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Managing Food Allergies: Effective Strategies for a Healthy Life

Our bodies are marvels of nature. It offers us the energy we need to go through the day. It also contains a robust immune system that is continuously vigilant against diseases and infections that coul[...]
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Understanding Microbiomes Impact on Cancer & its Treatment

Cancer, the horrific enemy of modern medicine, has long been examined from a variety of perspectives in the search for new therapies and prevention techniques. Among the numerous factors contributing [...]
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Decoding The Season: Understanding Allergies & Complications

In the intricate web of human health, the connection between physical ailments and mental well-being often surprises us. While it's widely acknowledged that allergies can cause physical discomfort, th[...]
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Understanding the Basics of Allergies

In our daily lives, we encounter countless substances, from foods to pollen and even certain medications. While most of these substances are harmless, for some individuals, their immune systems percei[...]
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The Science of Retinoids: How Vitamin A Derivatives Revolutionize Skincare

When it comes to anti-ageing and maintaining youthful, radiant skin, few ingredients can match the power of retinoids. These vitamin A derivatives have been hailed as a gold standard in skincare due t[...]
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Thyroid and Weight Management: Unraveling the Metabolic Connection

Weight gain associated with thyroid disorders is uncertain. People who gain weight without evident cause, such as a swollen body or an uncomfortable amount of fat, may doubt if their issues are relate[...]
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Raising Children with Allergies: A Parenting Guide in 2024

Your primary concern as a parent is your child’s health and well-being. However, when your child is diagnosed with allergies, it can add extra complexity and worry to your day-to-day life. Allergies[...]
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Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: What's the Difference and Why They Matter for Gut Health

Eating a variety of foods is like giving your body a toolkit to build and maintain your health, especially your gut health. You may be familiar with the terms probiotics and prebiotics as important co[...]
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PCOD and Hormonal Imbalance: Understanding the Complexities

Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD) is an intricate and common hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. PCOD and hormonal imbalance result in various other symptoms, which may severely[...]
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Low Vitamin D: Understanding the Causes and Risk Factors

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin necessary for health. It strengthens bones, enhances mental well-being, and promotes better sleep. Lack of vitamin D is a widespread issue worldwide. Half of the wor[...]
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Vitamin B6 and Metabolism: How It Supports Energy Production

Do you often feel tired and run down, even after a good night's sleep? Or do you struggle to keep up with your daily activities due to a lack of energy? If so, you might want to take a closer look at [...]
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Hormonal Health Testing: Assessing Hormone Levels and Menstrual Cycle Disorders

Hormones are the chemical messengers of the human body that regulate functions such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction. Similarly, hormones produced by the ovaries, pituitary gland, and other end[...]
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Innovations in Prenatal Testing: Non-Invasive Methods for Assessing Foetal Health

When you're expecting a baby, one of the biggest priorities is ensuring the health and well-being of your little one. In the past, prenatal testing often involved invasive procedures that carried a sm[...]
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Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer Risk: Understanding BRCA Mutations and Beyond

The human body is a complicated machine due to the complex network of genes that regulate every aspect of it, including disease susceptibility. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are two of these genes that are essentia[...]
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