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5 Ways to Boost Your Immunity

Immunity, as we all know, is our body’s ability to resist infections or illnesses. However, not all of us have a strong immune system, which is why even the slightest change in the weather, lifestyle or diet make many of us fall sick.

But your immunity can always be enhanced with just a few changes to your habits and lifestyle. Most of these immunity boosters are natural and are readily accessible. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at 5 proven ways that can aid in boosting your immunity.

How to Boost your Immunity

1. Get enough sleep

Did you know that if you have not had enough hours of sleep then you are more prone to catching an illness? Not just that; it also affects your recovery time, which in simple words means that you will be sick for a much longer duration than anyone with a good sleep schedule. Good sleep assists in the production of cytokines, proteins that aid in promoting sleep and fighting infections and stress. That is why adults are recommended to sleep at least 7-8 hours, teenagers 10 hours, and children 10 hours or more every night.

2. Stay hydrated

Water is a natural immunity booster because of the many benefits that it offers our body. First, when we keep our body hydrated throughout the day, it flushes out all the toxins from our body via the kidneys. In the process, it also purifies the blood, thus allowing oxygen to flow freely throughout the entire body. Secondly, water modulates the production of lymph which helps to circulate white blood cells to the body’s tissues and the lymph nodes, where any kind of harmful bacteria is destroyed.

3. Soak in the sun

Some amount of exposure to the sun every day is a good way to boost your immunity since it is a rich source for Vitamin D. According to research, 5-10 minutes in the sun helps the body produce hydrogen peroxide that activates the T lymphocytes, an important immunity promoter for the body.

4. Exercise

Physical activity is another good way of boosting the immune system. A study by the University of California-San Diego of Medicine states that only 20 minutes of exercise every day is enough to boost the immune system. Exercising helps by activating the sympathetic nervous system, which aids in increasing our heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.

5. Increase Vitamin C in your diet

What you eat also determines the strength of your immune system. That is why it is necessary to include high-antioxidant foods to your diet, especially Vitamin C. Antioxidants aid by decreasing cell destruction, thus increasing our longevity, and decreasing the signs of early ageing.

By following these simple steps, it is possible to develop a better immunity over time and lead a healthier life. Do not overdo any of the measures to seek immediate result as it can invite untoward complications. For further assistance, seek consultation of a professional clinician.

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