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It’s time to follow your heart

Did you know that heart valve disease is one of the most common heart conditions? The heart has four valves located between the atria and ventricles- tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, and aortic. These valves open and close during each heartbeat to ensure that the blood flows in one direction through the heart. Heart valve disease occurs when the valves stop working properly. So now let’s understand more about heart valve disease.

One may develop heart valve disease due to several reasons like high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, infections in the blood, or a family history of heart disease.

Types of Valve Disease:

Valvular stenosis:

In this, the flaps of a valve may thicken or fuse together. Because of which the valves cannot open properly, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood through the valves. All four valves may become stenotic i.e. hardened. The conditions are called tricuspid stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, mitral stenosis or aortic stenosis.

Valvular insufficiency:

This occurs when the valves do not close properly and the blood leaks backward. Based on which valve is affected, the conditions are termed tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonary regurgitation, mitral regurgitation or aortic regurgitation.

Symptoms of Heart Valve Disease:

Many people do not realize that they have had a mild valve problem. But advanced heart valve disease can cause severe problems like heart failure, blood clots, or cardiac arrest. Some common symptoms of heart valve disease include; chest pain, breathing trouble, fatigues, swollen abdomen, feet or ankles, and fainting. But the symptoms don’t always determine the seriousness of the disease. So it is necessary to take regular tests or checkups to avoid any complications. This means that a person with minimum or no symptoms can also develop serious heart valve disease.

How regular checkups will help:

It is necessary to identify the different risk factors that can lead to heart valve disease and take precautions to prevent them. For instance, regular checkups can help assess your health and identify problems like high cholesterol or high blood pressure which may lead to heart valve disease. When you identify such problems you can also take necessary precautions and follow the right treatment to avoid further complications.

However, if you notice any signs or symptoms of heart valve disease, it is necessary to quickly get yourself tested from a reliable diagnostic lab. If you have had a previous heart condition you can be at a higher risk of developing heart valve disease. A detailed evaluation of your heart can help you get the best treatment. So remember to get your heart checked with a medical professional.

Some valve diseases are not serious, while some can lead to major complications. But when detected early, heart valve disease can usually be treated successfully at all ages. So ensure to get regular checkups with us and be sure about your health.

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