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Everything You Need To Know About Cholesterol

To understand how cholesterol levels can affect one’s health, it is important to understand what cholesterol actually is. Cholesterol is a sterol that is insoluble in water and blood, which means that it cannot travel through the blood on its own. To help cholesterol travel in the bloodstream, the liver produces lipoproteins that are made from fat and protein. They carry HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Cholesterol is a type of lipid that the liver produces on its own. The remainder of cholesterol in the body comes from food like meat, poultry and dairy products that contain dietary cholesterol. There are a number of purposes that cholesterol serves in the human body. Cholesterol is the key ingredient that the body needs to produce new cells. It helps the body to make Vitamin D and proper functioning of the serotonin receptors in the brain. Cholesterol levels, when under control, are key to the health of the gut lining, heal injuries and protect the skin against dehydration. In most high cholesterol level cases, it is a silent condition. High cholesterol causes very rare symptoms in the beginning. As cholesterol levels increase, the risk of coronary artery disease also increases. Hence, it is important to check the cholesterol test results from time to time to avoid serious complications like heart disease or stroke.

Types of Cholesterol

Based on what lipoprotein carry in the bloodstream, cholesterol is classified into two types: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Both types of cholesterol are vital to remaining healthy and eliminating the risk for heart diseases, heart attacks and strokes.

Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL)

The low-density lipoprotein or LDL transports cholesterol particles throughout the body. LDL is sometimes referred to as bad cholesterol because it can build up in the arteries, which cause them to narrow, which can lead to heart diseases or stroke. That is why it is essential to keep the LDL cholesterol levels low.

High-density Lipoprotein (HDL)

High-density lipoprotein or HDL is the good kind of cholesterol that negates the damage caused by LDL and carries the LDL away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it is broken down and processed by the body. That is why it is important to keep the ratio of HDL cholesterol levels higher compared to LDL cholesterol levels.

If an individual takes a cholesterol test, the test result might also give values about Non-HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Non-HDL cholesterol or HDL-C is the total cholesterol minus the HDL cholesterol in the blood. While triglycerides are another type of fat that the body uses to produce energy. If the intake of food is high in calories, then those calories convert into triglycerides which later pose several cardiovascular issues.

What Causes High Cholesterol Levels?

High cholesterol levels put one at risk for coronary artery diseases, heart attack and strokes. Over time, high cholesterol levels can cause the arteries to become inflexible, making it harder for the blood to pass through. There are a variety of reasons that causes high cholesterol levels, like:


The genes of a person partly determine how much cholesterol the body makes. Some people inherit high cholesterol that runs in their families.

Unhealthy Eating Habits

Foods like red meat, full-fat dairy products and trans fats are generally responsible for high cholesterol levels in individuals.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Inactiveness, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle can pose a great risk for cardiovascular diseases, as inactiveness results in lowering the high-density lipoprotein.


Smoking increases the risk of high blood pressure, which ultimately compounds the dangers of high cholesterol levels.


As men and women get older, their cholesterol levels tend to increase gradually. Although it is very rare, younger people can also develop high cholesterol levels depending on various factors.

Understanding the Cholesterol Normal Values

A cholesterol test is a simple blood test that gives four measurements to determine one’s cholesterol level, which are:

Total Cholesterol

Total cholesterol is the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. About 150 mg/dl is considered the optimal total cholesterol level.

LDL Cholesterol

LDL can build up or clog the arteries, eventually leading to heart diseases or strokes. About 100 mg/dl is considered a desirable LDL cholesterol level.

HDL Cholesterol

It is better to have HDL cholesterol level on a greater side to live with good heart health. An HDL cholesterol value equal to 40 mg/dl in men and 50 mg/dl is considered optimal.


The normal value of triglycerides may vary by age and sex. However, the optimal level of triglycerides is typically less than 150 mg/dl.

How To Keep A Healthy Cholesterol Level?

One can keep a healthy cholesterol level by maintaining heart-healthy lifestyle changes and prevent themselves from having a high cholesterol level in the first place. Sometimes the healthcare provider prescribes cholesterol medicines which help in lowering cholesterol levels. But this totally depends on the severity and is not applicable to all individuals. To keep a healthy cholesterol level, one can:

To keep the risk of high cholesterol levels as low as possible, the easiest way is through a healthy lifestyle and regular cholesterol tests. One can book a cholesterol test at a cost-effective price at Apollo Diagnostics and avail of a home sample collection facility as well. Once the sample is sent to the testing laboratory, the cholesterol test results can be collected online within 24 hours post sample collection. Through Apollo Diagnostics' wide range of lab tests, you rest assured that all your vitals are in check to live a disease-free life.

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