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Understanding Causes & Treatment Of Sleep Disorder

In a fast-paced world where everyone is rushing to accomplish their goals and working throughout the day to meet their ends, a good sleep is a big relief. It is a fuel for your body that recharges you to start the new day with high spirits.

What if one’s sleep cycle is disturbed? What are the consequences of sleep deprivation?

In the blog, we will discuss the causes, effects, and treatments of sleep disorders.

Types of sleep Disorder

1)Insomnia: Insomnia pings one sleep cycle to the core and, if it becomes acute, can result in heart disease, impaired cognitive power, and extreme frustration.

It mainly happens due to peak stress, depression, and daytime sleeping.

2) Sleep Apnea: Sleep Apnea refers to shortness of breath while sleeping, which in turn makes the person spend sleepless nights. If left untreated, it can lead to various health problems, like high blood pressure and heart disease.

3) Periodic Limb Movement: It is characterised by the involuntary shaking of the legs and arms in sleep. This further disturbs the person and his sleep cycle.

4) Narcolepsy: It is a serious breakage in the sleeping cycle that makes one person sleep anytime, irrespective of the situation; they may sleep while attending guests, sitting idly, eating, etc. It further disrupts the daily flow of life with vast difficulties in workplace and social interactions.

How does a sleep disorder not let a person take rest in life?

What are the effective treatments for good sleep?

1) Proper Sleep Schedule: This means sleeping at the proper time and for at least 6-7 hours. One should avoid sleeping much during the day and keep doing meditation for relaxation of the mind.

2) Counselling Therapy: Behavioural Counselling is the key solution to getting rid of unwanted tensions, which further keep one awake throughout. Through motivation and an inspirational push, one will certainly have positivity.

3) Regular Exercise: To get on the right sleep track, regular exercise is also mandatory. Going to the gym, playing a certain sport, or doing weight training will help you gain strength, strengthen immunity, and promote good sleep. When you do physical work, you sleep peacefully.

4) Health Treatment: If you are tangled in countless thoughts, then it is high time to seek a healthcare professional who will guide you in improving your sleep pattern with proper medication.

How Apollo Diagnostics helps in sleep recovery?

Apollo Sleep Laboratory is set up to provide state-of-the-art sleep disorder treatment to help patients balance their sleep cycle.

Some of them are:

Polysomnography is a sleep study pattern that analyses heart rate, brain waves, eye movements, and breathing to check if a person is facing any problems.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: It is the process of analysing pauses in breath. A CPAP mask is given to the patient, which they wear while sleeping.

If there is continuous breath stoppage then further medication can be given to improve the sleep pattern.

What is the conclusion?

Millions of Indians have become victims of sleepless nights. And the reasons are countless: work-life pressure, getting anxious about small things, over thinking, financial stress, future planning, and many more.

All keep the person awake throughout, making him lethargic and prone to health problems like high BP, heart attack risks, and migraines.

Proper sleep management is the need of the hour to lead an active and healthy life. By taking effective treatments with expert healthcare professionals, one can sleep peacefully without any issues.

If you feel any discomfort in your sleep pattern, feel free to reach Apollo Diagnostics’ sleep laboratory for effective analyses.

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