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3 Ways to Diagnose Diabetes

Un-diagnosed diabetes is an issue of major concern. Nearly 50% of adults with diabetes worldwide remain un-diagnosed. According to the statistics by International Diabetes Federation, 2015, every 1 in 12 adults in India has diabetes. Early detection of diabetes is important as it helps in reducing the risk of serious complications such as premature heart disease and stroke, blindness, limb amputations, and kidney failure. People who have prediabetes do not experience any symptoms and remain un-diagnosed. Hence, it is important to test your blood glucose levels. There are 3 ways to diagnose diabetes.

Glycosylated Hemoglobin Test

Also called the HbA1c this test is used to diagnose prediabetes as well as diabetes. This test does not require the patient to fast. It measures your average blood glucose control for the past 3 months. If your HbA1c test results between 5.7% - 6.4% it indicates prediabetes or borderline diabetes. The condition can develop into type 2 diabetes if no preventions are made. HbA1c test results higher than 6.5% indicate diabetes.

Fasting Sugar Test

Prior to taking this test, the patient is required to fast for minimum 8 hours. The amount of glucose is measured by combining the blood plasma with other substances. The glucose is measured in mg/dL. The blood glucose range should remain under 100 mg/dL. Blood glucose ranging between 100-125 mg/dL is considered high but, not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. The range is diagnosed as prediabetes and it indicates risk for type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. If the blood glucose range is more than 125 mg/dL it indicates type 2 diabetes. In this condition, the body doesn't make enough insulin and it can also leads to other issues like heart disease and stroke.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

OGTT identifies diabetes by determining the body’s capacity to handle astandard amount of glucose. The test compares the blood samples of the patient before and after consuming a pre-measured glucose beverage. It helps in identifying how well the body processed the sugar. The sugar levels are measured in mg/dL. The blood glucose should remain below 140. A person is diagnosed with prediabetes if the blood glucose range is within 140 to 200. If the blood glucose is higher than 200 mg/dL, it means the body is not making enough insulin and has developed type 2 diabetes.

In order to determine risk for prediabetes, you can visit the website of Apollo Diagnostics and take a free prediabetes self assessment test. The test comprises of 7 questions and based on your answers, it predicts your risk for prediabetes. If you are at risk score, you can visit your nearest Apollo Diagnostic centre for a diagnosis as a measure of early prevention. Apollo Diagnostics also offers the convenience of home collection. Call 040 4444 2424 and trained technicians will arrive at your doorstep to collect samples. Carrying forward the Apollo legacy, Apollo Diagnostics assures accurate and quality diagnostic service at affordable cost.

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