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Blood Group Type ABO and Rhesus (Rh) Factor

Blood typing is done to determine blood types or blood groups based on the presence or absence of some specific markers or antigens on the surface of red blood cells. The two major surface identifiers or markers on the human RBCs include antigen A and antigen B. Another antigen is the Rh factor.

Blood typing is done to determine a person’s blood group, which may be A, B, AB or O and to ascertain whether it is Rh positive or Rh negative.

Why is the test performed?

A blood group test is performed to determine the blood group of an individual. Doctors recommend this test before blood donation, before a blood transfusion, before donating an organ and before surgery. It is also recommended for pregnant women.

When is the test ordered?

Blood typing is done prior to blood donation and when people need a blood transfusion. It is also recommended for pregnant women as Rh typing is essential to determine whether the blood group of the pregnant woman is compatible with her fetus.

How to prepare for the test?

No special preparation is needed for this test.

How is the sample collected?

A blood sample is collected from the vein in the arm of the individual using a needle.

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